Have you heard of the Quantum 3 Engine? It's a little thing that's being designed by a company called High Voltage Games that is behind the new Wii FPS, The Conduit.
According to this news article, the Quantum 3 engine is supposed to be able to achieve graphical quality similar to that achievable on Microsoft's Xbox 360.
So what does this mean for Wii owners? Hopefully it will be the beginning of the end for the tonnes of 3rd Party shovelware titles that are currently flooding Wii bargain bins. With this engine, 3rd party developers will hopefully stop seeing the Wii as a weak powered console, and release their blockbuster hits, such as Call of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV on the Wii as well as the two established powerhouses, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.
This should also be a benefit to the developers themselves, since reportedly the Wii is especially easy to program for, while the PS3 is the most difficult, owing to the Cell Processor at the heart of the machine's grunt. The Xbox 360 on the other hand is similar to a PC's architecture, but without the changing specs, making it easier for developers who often have developed their first titles for a PC.
The Conduit looks like a brilliant show of what the Wii can possibly do. Wii owners should just pray for its success, or else continue to endure the tripe that is the majority of non-Nintendo titles.
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This new engine looks and sounds brilliant!
I know! Hopefully if Rockstar pay attention to this, we may have the spin-off GTA titles (like this gens version of Vice City and San Andreas) on the Wii.
Bitch-slapping hoes would take a whole new meaning with motion-controls don't you think?