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Oops... That vas not medicine!

Age 34, Male




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A dog ate my video game console.

Posted by ParadoxVoid - July 29th, 2009

This evening, I get a phone call from my Dad on Skype. Living away from home at University, this isn't an uncommon occurrence, so I answer expecting the normal greetings and boring goings-on of my home.

Instead, I'm greeted by "Has your sister talked to you yet?"
Curiously, I answer no, and ask why.

It turns out that my idiot sister, being careless, left the back door open, so her dog managed to get inside and dine on the coloured plastic that makes up certain crucial parts of my video game setup.

All in all, he ruined 2 nunchuks for my Wii, a Gamecube controller, a TV remote, and a Guitar Hero World Tour cymbal. All up, something totalling to around AU$150 to replace.

The nunchuks are easy enough to replace, but the Gamecube controller and the GHWT cymbal are going to be real problems, seeing as the only place you're going to find them is eBay these days. Also, I've seen these go for as high as $50 to replace, so I'm not going to be happy when I get back.

So I ask a question. When I get back home at the end of the year, do I kill my sister slowly and painfully, or quick and painlessly?

A dog ate my video game console.


slow and painful,if my sis did that to my setup,i'd make her pay over time.hard.

Slow and painful it is. The only way she's gonna avoid this is if she greets me with a new replacement for all those parts, or a large wad of cash.

oh man, that sucks a lot :(

instead of killing your sister, why not just make her go insane? try something like chinese water torture :D

Hmm, that's an idea. The trouble is finding a good place to do it. My parents kinda look down on me tying up my sister and subjecting her to breaches of the geneva convention.

shadowwest makes a very good point. insanity would kill her slowly on the inside and you could watch,plus its less messy than murder.

Yes, yes it is.

i shall leach off your life blood


Burn her barbie dolls. Then her dog. Then her.

She doesn't have an barbie dolls. And I love the dog. But I might take the third option.